The secret to a fulfilling career

So many doctors feel stuck working in a job not conducive to their health and wellbeing. Early in my career, I didn’t take good care of my wellbeing due to heavy workload and the enormous pressure. I was so busy to complete my never-ending list of jobs that I skipped meals and breaks. I knew if I continued on this path, my career was not sustainable.

The challenges doctors face

Medics are infamous for not looking after their wellbeing. We kind of know wellbeing is important but don’t prioritise it. This quote resonated with me “Put on your oxygen mask first”. In other words, look after your health and wellbeing first before attending to others’ needs.

Chronic stress and burnout are major problems in the profession. A few weeks ago, I spoke with Dr Sana Khan, a GP registrar who suffered from crippling anxiety due to the stress and pressure of MRCGP exam. Her mental health went into a melt down. You can watch her story on YouTube.

Creating the career of your dream

Even though medicine is hard and requires a lot of sacrifices, I firmly believe every doctor can develop a fulfilling career. Being a portfolio GP has been by far one of the best career decisions I’ve made.

I’ve pursued my passion for teaching. Being able to do something I enjoy that impacts others is truly fulfilling. Moreover, I have control over my time. If you want to create a future that inspires and excites you, a portfolio career might be the answer.

I’m not saying developing a portfolio career is easy. If you are not prepared to put in time and effort then it’s not for you. However, if you are serious about creating a career that excites you, think about the benefits.

Get paid to do something you enjoy

You could be compensated to do meaningful work you enjoy. Most people are not satisfied with their situation yet they don’t do anything about it. Picture yourself doing the same thing for the next 10 years. If you are happy with that trajectory then good for you. If that’s not what you want then why not do something about it. You are one decision away from transforming your life.

The World is your Oyster

Opportunities to develop a portfolio career are endless. If you don’t have an interest, seek experience by trying various activities. During my training, I had an inclination for medical education since I enjoy learning. The best way to learn is by teaching.

Being naturally an introvert, I intentionally developed my communication skills. It turns out some registrars also struggle with communication skills and need help. I’m grateful to combine my passion for teaching and purpose to help doctors lead a fulfilling life. Finding that sweet spot is very fulfilling.

I hope this article inspires you to explore new opportunities and get closer to your goal. What is stopping you from your dream career?