Sitting SCA?

We’ve got you covered

We know the MRCGP SCA is a challenging exam. But with the right approach, you can conquer this exam. Get SCA Blueprint and start preparing with confidence.

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    Structure Your Preparation

    Are you feeling stressed or lost as you prepare for the MRCGP SCA exam? We understand the challenges you’re facing, and we’re here to provide the guidance and support you need.

    SCA Success: Crushing Imposter Syndrome

    Are you struggling with the SCA exam? I passed SCA exam 1st time, With the score of 87.5, I have been lost for words and possibly still in the state of shock. Thank you for believing and supporting me through this journey and preparation. Feeling overwhelmed by expectations, pressure, and a nagging voice saying,…

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    SCA Practice: Vaccine Hesitancy

    As you prepare for the MRCGP SCA, getting comfortable with challenging clinical encounters is essential. A common scenario involves the worried parent. SCA Case Demonstration Imagine this: A concerned mother calls your practice, unsure about vaccinating her son. How do you respond with confidence, clarity and empathy? Let’s break down the consultation step by step,…

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    SCA: How Personalised Are Your Management Plans?

    Imagine walking into a shop to buy a present. Before you can say a word, the shop assistant hands you a pre-wrapped box. No questions asked. Just a generic gift, given with efficiency but no thought. It might be useful but it lacks meaning. Now, contrast that with an assistant who takes the time to…

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    Mastering Clinical Management for the MRCGP SCA

    Every GP trainee knows the pressure that comes with the MRCGP SCA —the ticking clock, mounting stress and the nagging feeling that the consultation is slipping away. You cover the essential points but as the patient walks out, doubt creeps in: Did I manage that consultation well? Did they fully understand? Will they follow through…

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    Elevate Your Consultations

    You don’t have to prepare alone. Join a thriving community of GP trainees so you can learn and progress towards CCT together.

    Need Personalised Support?

    Consultation blueprint

    Are you a GPST preparing for SCA and

    • don’t want to risk failing and delay your CCT date
    • need guidance and support for simulated role plays
    • want an experienced and reliable coach to guide you on the path to success

    The intensive 1-on-1 coaching (over Zoom) is ideal for GP registrars who want support tailored to their personal needs.

    Core benefits of Blueprint Coaching

    1. Supportive, insightful and impactful intervention
    2. 1-on-1 intensive session with Dr Erwin who coached over 100 GPSTs
    3. Analysis of your consultation focusing on areas of weakness
    4. Strategies and tactics to refine your consulting skills in all 3 domains
    5. Practice mock SCA cases and receive feedback
    6. Appreciate what Examiners are looking for and avoid common pitfalls
    7. Honest and constructive feedback to enhance your score
    8. Clear plan of actions to give yourself the best chance to succeed
    9. Access to case demonstrations conducted by qualified GP
    10. Ongoing tailored support until you pass

    Apply for Blueprint Coaching programme and give yourself every chance to succeed MRCGP. I’d like to invite you to schedule a 15min call to see how I can help you with your preparation.

    Applications for the intensive 1-on-1 Blueprint coaching programme are considered on an individual basis.

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