Get SCA Blueprint

Preparing for the MRCGP SCA can be daunting but with the right preparation, GP registrars can pass this challenging exam with confidence.

We understand the anxiety you may have while preparing for your exam. After collaborating with trainers, examiners and trainees, Dr Erwin Kwun developed a Blueprint to help you pass SCA and CCT with confidence.

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    Structure Your Preparation

    Are you feeling overwhelmed and lacking confidence as you prepare for the MRCGP SCA exam? We understand the challenges you’re facing, and we’re here to provide the guidance and support you need to prepare.

    Insider’s Tips to Pass Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA)

    Did you know that most GP trainees fail the Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) not because of insufficient medical knowledge, but due to poor communication skills? In this article, we dive deep into how you can flip this trend and ace your exam by focusing on what really matters—practical skills. Why Practical Experience Outweighs Theory  It’s…

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    When is the Best Time to Sit MRCGP SCA?

    Deciding when to sit your MRCGP Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) isn’t just about picking a date on the calendar. It’s about strategically planning to showcase your skills when you’re at your absolute best. Here’s how to decide the perfect timing for your exam, shared through insights from those who’ve successfully passed their exams. 1. Sitting…

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    How an IMG Passed SCA Exam After a Setback

    I passed! It’s been a difficult journey but I thank God for the end result. Dr Lawrence Apenteng Dr Lawrence felt completely crushed when he got his first SCA exam results. After a failed attempt with a score of 69, he found it incredibly difficult to bounce back. The results shook his confidence. Despite the…

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    SCA Exam Success: Consult in 12 minutes

    Ever found yourself wondering how to wrap everything up in the elusive 12-minute consultation window? I recently had a conversation with a GP registrar (we’ll call her Stella) who confessed her struggles in shifting from the comfort of 25-minute appointments. It’s a hurdle many trainees face for the SCA exam. By the end of this…

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    Elevate Your Consultations

    You don’t have to prepare alone. Join a thriving community of GP trainees so you can learn and progress towards CCT together.

    Need Personalised Support?

    Consultation blueprint

    Are you a GPST preparing for SCA and

    • don’t want to risk failing and delay your CCT date
    • need guidance and support for simulated role plays
    • want an experienced and reliable coach to guide you on the path to success

    The intensive 1-on-1 coaching (over Zoom) is ideal for GP registrars who want support tailored to their personal needs.

    Core benefits of Blueprint Coaching

    1. Supportive, insightful and impactful intervention
    2. 1-on-1 intensive session with Dr Erwin who coached over 100 GPSTs
    3. Analysis of your consultation focusing on areas of weakness
    4. Strategies and tactics to refine your consulting skills in all 3 domains
    5. Practice mock SCA cases and receive feedback
    6. Appreciate what Examiners are looking for and avoid common pitfalls
    7. Honest and constructive feedback to enhance your score
    8. Clear plan of actions to give yourself the best chance to succeed
    9. Access to case demonstrations conducted by qualified GP
    10. Ongoing tailored support until you pass

    Apply for Blueprint Coaching programme and give yourself every chance to succeed MRCGP. I’d like to invite you to schedule a 15min call to see how I can help you with your preparation.

    Applications for the intensive 1-on-1 Blueprint coaching programme are considered on an individual basis.

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