How to Pass SCA, Finish Your Training & Earn More

Trusted by 200+ GPSTs

Passing SCA exam is crucial to becoming an independent GP. As a registrar, you know that the SCA is a challenging exam.

Maybe you don’t know where to start or feel utterly unprepared. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by uncertainty, doubts and nerves.

After supporting IMGs and re-sit candidates to obtain MRCGP, I analysed the preparation of over 200 GP trainees.

Those who fail often work hard but keep repeating the same mistakes. It’s like hitting your head against a brick wall, hoping for different results.

How to pass SCA?

Working hard is not enough to pass SCA. Successful GP trainees work smart. By following Consultation Blueprint, you can avoid common pitfalls that lead to failure. Are you ready to level up your consultations? Over 75% of trainees who followed Consultation Blueprint have successfully passed SCA. My goal is for you to pass SCA and CCT on time.

sca preparation

Consultation Blueprint is ideal for GP trainees who want to work smarter. We focus on three core pillars: Mindset, Strategy and Skills.

We teach you proven strategies, tools and actionable steps to confidently conquer SCA.


Kickstart your journey with a growth mindset that paves the way for your imminent success.


Work smarter, not harder. Apply proven strategies to maximise your chances and conquer the SCA exam


Acquire actionable insights to refine your communication and consultation skills

Immersive Workshop

Learn from 12 cases role-played with professional simulators

Each participant will practise at least an interactive case and receive feedback

Thursday 9th May 08:45 -13:45 Fully booked

Tuesday 9th July 08:45 -13:45 Available

What will you learn?

📘 Strategic plan to prepare for your exam

✅ Elevate your score in all three domains

⏱️ Proven methods to consult in 12 minutes

🎯 Targeted history & safe clinical management

🩺 Refine your consultation and communication skills

🤯 Manage medical complexity, risks and uncertainty

High-challenge SCA Consults

SCA preparation

👨‍⚕️ 26 High-performing SCA case examples

📞 Listen to telephone consults

💻 Watch remote video consults

12 Clinical Experiences Groups

What GP registrars are saying?

  • Good variety of topics, ie contraception request/gender identity issues in a child, breaking bad news, palliative pain management, dealing with patient complaints and explaining diagnosis/management of certain medical conditions
  • I practically enjoyed and learnt from every aspects of the course. The teacher is very brilliant, very passionate and genuinely wants to help colleagues
  • Great variety of cases – i learned how to approach a gender dysphoria case from a third person point of view (ask medical and mental health questions and counsel the parent about the condition)
  • Brilliant simulators, great variety of cases, short and concise- didnt feel bored at all, every candidate was given enough time for feedback – i will definitely recomend it to my colleagues
  • I passed, got a score of 86 from 73 previously. I really wish I had more time to use the content.

Why choose Consultation Blueprint?

  • Instead of feeling unsure, you will be guided so you don’t feel lost
  • Instead of just attending a course without support afterwards, you will be part of a supportive community that keeps you accountable
  • Instead of feeling anxious, you will learn to manage nerves and consult under stress

Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Join over 200 GP trainees who have already benefited from Consultation Blueprint.

Take control of your career, give yourself the support and unmatched expertise you deserve.

Let’s conquer SCA exam together and help you finish training

Enroll today

Unlock Exclusive Resources

SCA preparation

👨‍⚕️ Proven System

✍️ SCA Companion

🖥️ Remote consultation framework

🎓 Invite to Workshop & Masterclasses

🧑‍💻Mock SCA cases and constructive feedback

💪 Join a thriving community for support and guidance

What our members are saying

Dr Theo sharing his experience during an SCA Immersive workshop
Dr Srujan passed SCA first time
Dr Osama sharing his success during a Live interactive masterclass

We know preparing for SCA is hard, stressful and exhausting. You don’t have to do it alone. Become part of a thriving community you can tap into for accountability, support, guidance and inspiration on your journey.

Hi, I’m Dr Erwin

Are you unsure how to pass SCA? My goal is to simplify your preparation. I’m personally invested in seeing you pass MRCGP SCA, unlock your career and increase your earning potential.

Consultation Blueprint walks you through the entire process from start to success in SCA. You’ll be supported by me as well as by your peers in our thriving community. I’m giving you 6-month access to the entire programme for £359 only.

As we continue to update Consultation Blueprint, the price will go up. Don’t miss your chance, take advantage of today’s offer. By joining today, you will get instant access to the programme and complimentary future updates.

Cheers to your successful GP career!

Happy Regards,


PS – Are you an IMG? I can perfectly relate to the challenges you face because English is not my first language.

Are You Ready to Join?

Immersive Workshop + 6-Month access to Consultation Blueprint + Masterclass

£459 £359

“In the next couple of weeks, my confidence skyrocketed because I could take the history in a reasonable time. Then, I had all the time to do the clinical management.”

Dr Inamuna Beregha


I passed!!! Thank you so much for your support. All the best in your career supporting trainees pass and inspiration qualified GPs especially in the first few years post CCT. I can definitely say the investment was worth it.”

Dr Fungai Mashingaidze
Dr Fungai Mashingaidze


I’ve done a lot of courses and I found Erwin’s course particularly extremely helpful. Please don’t think twice about your money investment as far as good resources like Erwin Kwun is concerned. Go ahead! I wish all success to my colleagues thank you”

Testimonial PS
Dr Padmini Sharma


Hello. Just wanted to say a massive thank you again 🙂 passed my ARCP and starting my salaried job in 2 weeks. Really grateful for your videos, course and advice over the last few months 🙂

Dr Veeram Mahadea


If there is a stumbling block and you’re not able to find the answer your your CS or ES is not able to find the answer probably a third person can find you the answer so then I felt that because I had real respect for you seeing your videos and your approach so I contacted you and it definitely did benefit”

Dr Sana Khan


“Thank you Dr Kwun for the last minute preparations and advice. I passed well. Thank you. Scored 88″

Dr Chiamaka GPST3

“Hi Dr Kwun,

I passed my SCA exam.

Thank you so much for your valuable input during my preparation.



I managed to pass with a score of 172.

It’s been a stressful few months, having to prepare the cases, do recordings, review them etc. Your inspirational emails which filled with loads of positivity have certainly provided me lots to reflect on.They all turned into resilience in me, giving me courage and faith to carry on. 

I am very thankful for what you’ve done for us, especially in this feels like never ending pandemic with added work loads on top of all the uncertainties around the RCA exam and even our lives! 

Keep up the good work you are doing as it’s doing something wonderful in peoples lives!

Wish you a very happy Christmas and a prosperous new year ahead.”

Dr Karen GPST3

“Dear Erwin,
I did pass with a score of 170. Hard work paid off and thanks to all the guidance and support you have given me.
Hope you hear all the good news from the trainees you helped.”

Dr Htet GPST3

I passed!! Thank you so much for your support and feedback.

It really helped me polish my communication skills and pass the RCA in first attempt especially being an IMG.”
Dr Madeeha GPST3

I passed my RCA yesterday.

The pass marks was 142,I got 158.

Thanks for all your help.”

Dr Samadrita GPST3

GP Trainees’ Wins

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare for MRCGP SCA?

The SCA is a challenging exam that requires rigorous preparation. You need to be able to manage challenging and complex cases. It is recommended to have at least six months of experience in general practice before sitting the exam. The best way to prepare is to learn, rehearse and refine your skills.

When is the ideal time to purchase Consultation Blueprint?

To get the most value out of Consultation Blueprint, we suggest you start applying the concepts 3 months before sitting the MRCGP SCA

How long is my subscription to Consultation Blueprint?

Access to Consultation Blueprint lasts 6 months. If you need slightly longer, we are are happy to extend access by 2 more months. 

Is the programme live or recorded?

Consultation Blueprint is a hybrid programme. We believe that success in SCA requires experiential learning and ongoing support. We therefore offer both recorded teachings and a series of live interactive masterclasses.

How can I join the workshop and masterclass?

You will receive an invite to register to the immersive workshop and live interactive masterclasses.

Can’t see your questions here

Email with your question about the course