Tag: lifelong learning

How to pass SCA?

Preparing for the MRCGP Simulated Consultation Assessment can be challenging for a lot of GP trainees. Finding the time to revise, staying motivated and practicing for SCA can feel overwhelming. If you haven’t been taught the essentials of remote consulting, it can be dauting to navigate phone or video consultations. Every GPST needs to develop […]

Sympathy Vs Empathy

People often think sympathy and empathy are the same thing without realising they are very different concepts. Sympathy is an expression of care or concern for someone. In contrast, empathy is the ability to understand and feel the emotion of the other person. When you empathise, you understand the other person’s perspectives, predicament and share […]

5 Benefits of writing

Writing has been life-changing for me. It has helped me to sharpen my mind, learn more about myself and connect with some of you who enjoy my work. Today, I’d like to show you 5 benefits of writing. 1. Boost your happiness Our mind is often focused on negatives. We get caught up by things that […]

Lifelong Learning

Schooling is an important process that imparts knowledge and develops skills. Most people associate learning with formal education. While education typically ends after one graduates university, learning doesn’t stop after formal education. Learning is not confined to the four walls of a classroom but takes place throughout life in different environments. Lifelong learning in the medical […]