Tag: GP training

SCA Exam Practice Guide: The Angry Patient

Imagine confronting an angry simulator for Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA). Without preparation, this could be a daunting station. Mastering conflict resolution skills is crucial to scoring well in SCA exam. This article will provide actionable and insightful strategies to help you navigate difficult interactions effectively. Understanding the Root Cause The first step in managing an angry […]

MRCGP SCA Tips: Shared Decision Making

As a GP trainee preparing to sit the MRCGP SCA, you might view Shared Decision Making (SDM) as just another checkbox. However, SDM is far more than a procedural requirement—it’s a transformative approach that enhances patient care and outcomes significantly. The Evolution from Paternalistic to Collaborative Care Gone are the days when doctors acted as […]

SCA Exam Success: Consult in 12 minutes

Ever found yourself wondering how to wrap everything up in the elusive 12-minute consultation window? I recently had a conversation with a GP registrar (we’ll call her Stella) who confessed her struggles in shifting from the comfort of 25-minute appointments. It’s a hurdle many trainees face for the SCA exam. By the end of this […]

How This IMG Conquered The MRCGP Exam

Meet Dr. Fungai, an IMG who worked hard to achieve CCT. She spent many hours studying for the clinical component of the MRCGP exam. Being an educational scholar, she felt she would sail through her exam. However, when she learned the results, her world came crumbling down. Her confidence was shattered after she failed the […]

SCA Exam GP Tips from Neighbour

The MRCGP SCA exam (Simulated Clinical Assessment) has evolved to meet the new needs of general practice. In this interview, Dr Roger Neighbour, renowned teacher on the skills of communication with a deep understanding of GP consultation, provides his insights into the Simulated Consultation Assessment. We cover the changing landscape of consultation skills, common pitfalls […]

How to pass SCA?

Preparing for the MRCGP Simulated Consultation Assessment can be challenging for a lot of GP trainees. Finding the time to revise, staying motivated and practicing for SCA can feel overwhelming. If you haven’t been taught the essentials of remote consulting, it can be dauting to navigate phone or video consultations. Every GPST needs to develop […]

MRCGP SCA: 5 Common Pitfalls

Are you making these pitfalls? By the end of this article you will learn what you can do to avoid them and pass the MRCGP SCA. Failing to build rapport It is more difficult to develop a genuine connection over the phone. This can affect the patient’s willingness to open up and share important details […]

Sympathy Vs Empathy

People often think sympathy and empathy are the same thing without realising they are very different concepts. Sympathy is an expression of care or concern for someone. In contrast, empathy is the ability to understand and feel the emotion of the other person. When you empathise, you understand the other person’s perspectives, predicament and share […]