Want to be happier and more fulfilled in 2022


The end of the year is in sight. December may be the month of Winter Holiday and Christmas but you may want to set aside time for these 3 important steps before you say Goodbye to 2021. Completing these three steps will help you to make a great start for the new year.

1. Reconnect with yourself

It’s so easy to lose touch with our true self due to the day to day distractions. Many people are unhappy and stuck in old patterns. They are lost because they haven’t spent time to examine their lives. We often experience feeling of frustration and anxiety about the future when we are disconnected with who we really are. Carving time to reconnect with yourself is vital to get unstuck and start leading a fulfilling life.

2. Reflect on the past 12 months

Taking time to review the past year is an extremely useful activity to not only draw lessons from 2021 but to reminisce the good times and celebrate your wins. Here are some questions to get you started:

What were my biggest accomplishments?

What goals I didn’t achieve and why?

What could I have done differently?

What stressed me most?

What has 2021 taught me?

How do I want to remember 2021 in 3 words?

3. Plan 2022

Having reflected on the year, it’s now time to start thinking of your goals.

Goal gives us direction and a sense of meaning. Research has shown you are more likely to achieve your goals when they are aligned to what you naturally want to do and have talent for. 

What do you want to focus on in 2022? Think of your short-term and long-term goals.
Most of us do not achieve our goals because we are not intrinsically motivated or we set the wrong goals.

How to create SMART goals?

The SMART method is useful to create your goals

Specific-‘I want to lose weight’ (too vague) vs ‘I will go to the gym 3 times a week’ (specific)

Measurable- consider a method to measure your progress

Attainable- aim high but be reasonably unreasonable with yourself

Relevant- make your goal intrinsically motivated so it is in complete alignment

Time-bound- give yourself a time frame that adds a sense of urgency

To learn more about creating SMART goals, watch this video

Start to lead a happier and more fulfilling life by setting some time aside to reconnect, reflect and plan for the new year. Most people would not have read until here. If you are reading this, I hope you consider taking some time for yourself to reconnect, reflect and plan.