From Failing AKT to a Pass

When Dr Stephen first came to me, he was desperate having failed MRCGP AKT multiple times. He lost all hope and self-esteem. The previous attempts deflated his confidence. Stephen was granted one last chance to sit the exam. He was nervous as this was his final attempt. It was make-or-break time. We worked together and broke down the limiting beliefs that held him back. We addressed his weaknesses and built on his strengths. It was a difficult process to unlearn old mental models and re-learn new ones to upgrade his mindset. Are you ready for the 3 steps?

See, Believe & Achieve

Success Chess

I was seeing massive changes. It paid up big time, beyond my imagination.

In this audio clip, Stephen recounts the struggles he faced sitting the AKT and the self-doubts that crushed his confidence. He lost hope and thought he was not good enough. His self-defeating mindset kept him hostage of his past. By applying the See, Believe & Achieve mental model, Stephen started seeing massive changes. His AKT score went from low 60s to 75.

Visualise the future you want

Let your creativity guide you. Think big! There is no limit to a man’s vision. Don’t worry how crazy your vision is. The crazier, the better. If you struggle to define your vision, know that the process can take time. Imagine yourself 10 years from today living your best life. What do you see? Can you visualise yourself working towards the vision you set?

Believe in yourself

You might think this one is a cliché. It may well be, do you know why? Every successful person believes in himself. Having envisioned the future you want, commit to make it a reality. It is vital to broadcast your vision to your mind daily. There is greatness in each individual. The potential is often wasted because people doubt themselves. Do not allow self-doubts or failures to stop your progress. Self-belief is crucial to be successful.

David J. Schwartz summarised the effects of your belief and disbelief in a couple of sentences:

Belief releases creative powers.

Disbelief puts the brake on.

If you don’t believe in yourself, your mind works against you. It produces all kind of excuses that lead to your defeat. When you believe in yourself, you start seeing possibilities that you previously didn’t realise were available.

Believing in yourself gives you power. A great way to cultivate self-belief is self-affirmation practice. Highly successful people have attributed a huge part of their success to positive affirmations and visualization. Will Smith and Arnold Schwarzenegger have publicly talked about the power of believing in yourself.

In my mind, I’ve always been an A-list Hollywood superstar. Y’all just didn’t know yet.” ― Will Smith

If I can see it and believe it, then I can achieve it.” ― Arnold Schwarzenegger

Time to take action

Most people do not take this step and they wonder why their visualisation and affirmation practices are not working. The last step is the most exciting one. Without execution, you can’t achieve anything in life. Take consistent actions that will enable you to achieve what you envisioned.


As Napoleon Hill once said “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

When we let the mind generate doubts, negativity and self-defeating thoughts, it works against us. Many of us are trapped by our past failures and deny ourselves of the endless possibilities ahead. See, Believe & Achieve are three simple words that enabled Stephen to move past failures and succeed beyond his imagination. Working on your mindset is laying the foundation to your success. You can apply See, Believe & Achieve to realise your dreams and life goals.