SCA Exam Success: Consult in 12 minutes

sca exam time management

Ever found yourself wondering how to wrap everything up in the elusive 12-minute consultation window? I recently had a conversation with a GP registrar (we’ll call her Stella) who confessed her struggles in shifting from the comfort of 25-minute appointments. It’s a hurdle many trainees face for the SCA exam. By the end of this article, you will learn three actionable tips to speed up your consultation.

Discovering Your Time Traps

More often than not, trainees do things without realising that waste time in consultation.

So, I asked Stella to record her consultation. It was a revelation to see what was eating up those precious minutes!

Like Stella, many GP trainees dwell in data gathering beyond 7-8 minutes. They enquire an exhaustive list of all possible symptoms driven by fear of missing important information. This approach is not practical and inefficient.

High-performing candidates focus on quality over quantity. They are selective and only ask relevant questions to demonstrate they have considered relevant serious possibilities.

Strategic Priming

A successful consultation starts before you even say “Hi”.

GP trainees often get caught off guard due to a lack of preparation. Imagine starting each consultation with a clear strategy, having already anticipated the case ahead.

Priming a case will streamline your consultation and help you organise your thoughts so you can fully engage with your patient without worrying what question to ask next.

How do you use the precious three minutes before your consultation? Writing down key questions not only sharpens your focus but ensures you hit all the crucial points without the last-minute scramble.

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    Keep Time on Your Side

    It can be stressful to look at the timer while you speak with a patient. GP trainees don’t always keep track of time during their consultation. However, you don’t want to ignore the time and glance at the timer only to find you have three minutes for clinical management.

    It’s vital to monitor your progress throughout the consultation. Setting a target to shift into clinical management by minute six can transform your consultations.

    How Dr Yoginee passed SCA exam?

    Dr Yoginee was consumed by self-doubts and fears. Check out how she conquered her fears and passed SCA on her first attempt.