SCA Journey: From Failure to Success


Imagine pouring your heart and soul into preparing for the Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA), only to encounter a devastating failure. Meet Dr Musttafa, a determined GP trainee who faced a major setback in the early stage of ST3. But with unwavering resilience and sheer determination, he transformed his failure into an inspiring success story.

Sitting SCA Exam for the first time

Dr Musttafa was confident when he took the SCA exam for the first time in January. But when the results came in, he was shocked.

It’s a result that I didn’t expect. Then, there was no confidence left.

This failure was a heavy blow, both professionally and personally. He began to regret taking the SCA so early and realised that his clinical management skills, particularly formulating patient-centered plans, were where he stumbled the most.

The Transformation

Despite the disappointment, Dr Musttafa never gave up. He took a step back to figure out what went wrong. He was aware that more SCA practice would not help if he didn’t identify and fix his blindspots.

Determined to pass SCA, Musttafa sought out resources and support. He watched YouTube videos, reviewed official Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) materials, and, most importantly, enrolled in a 1:1 coaching programme that provided the structured feedback he needed.

Working Smarter

For his second attempt at the SCA, Musttafa left no stone unturned. He developed a structured approach to his consultations, focusing on effective time management and creating shared management plans with his patients.

This shift was crucial. “It all comes down to time because if we don’t have the time then we can’t actually see what the patient thinks or what they are expecting,” he explained.

I didn’t have a structure. I think I recognised that early on because of several things. I overran my time a lot, so that told me I wasn’t targeting things, I wasn’t focused.

His commitment to improvement didn’t stop at technical skills. Musttafa also worked on his body language and communication style, recording many consultations to refine his approach. The transformation was clear—not just in his consultation structure but also in his newfound confidence and positive attitude.

SCA Results

When the results of his second attempt were published, Musttafa was understandably nervous. But this time, his hard work paid off. Refreshing the results page, he saw the green bubble indicating a pass. His score went from 70 to 82.5, a testament to his dedication and strategic approach.

I honestly couldn’t believe it. I took a few seconds and looked, and it was a pass. I was ecstatic.

He celebrated his achievement with colleagues, family, and friends, marking the end of a journey filled with hard work and determination.

Post-CCT plan

After achieving a pass in the SCA, Dr Musttafa is now set to join his training practice in the Northwest. He is excited about continuing his career as a GP. His journey highlights the importance of resilience, structured preparation, and seeking help and feedback when needed.

Dr Musttafa’s story is a powerful reminder that setbacks are part of the journey. With determination, support, and a strategic approach, success is always within reach. As Musttafa wisely advises, “It’s important to take some time off, re-evaluate, and then just come back stronger. Don’t let it beat you down.”

Are you ready to pass SCA?

Are you preparing for the SCA or facing similar challenges? I hope Dr Musttafa’s journey offers hope and practical insights into overcoming obstacles on your journey to becoming a fully qualified GP.

Like Dr Musttafa, you may feel devastated after failing SCA. If you are looking for a breakthrough, our intensive 1 to 1 coaching might be the solution for you.

Join over 200 trainees who sought help to achieve their goals.

Applications for 1 to 1 coaching are considered on an individual basis.