How an IMG passed the RCGP Exam on his 5th attempt


Picture the weight of disappointment pressing down on your chest like a concrete block, self-doubt whispering in your ear like a relentless critic.

It was a daunting reality for Dr Salman Khattak, whose journey to becoming a fully qualified GP was anything but smooth. However, amidst the challenges and setbacks, Dr Salman emerged triumphant, turning failure into a resounding success.

The Challenges Dr Salman faced

In the face of crushing disappointment, Dr Salman confronted the RCA exam four times, with each failure chipping away at his confidence. It wasn’t a lack of knowledge or practice that hindered him but an absence of belief in himself and his ability to succeed. In this lonely struggle, he questioned his abilities, convinced that the system was rigged against him.

Watch Dr Salman’s full interview

Support System

You lose your self-belief if you don’t have the people there to support you.

Fortunately, Dr Salman could count on his family and his wife for support. They provided the encouragement he needed to keep fighting, their belief in him becoming the fuel that propelled him forward when he was ready to give up.

The Brutal Climb

The journey back to success was marked by stumbles, late-night breakdowns, and moments when doubt resurfaced. Dr Salman realised that he needed to shift his focus from just working harder to working smarter. Embracing patient-centric consultations and empathy as his guiding principles, he transformed his practice into a training ground for personal and professional growth.

Learning and Evolution

Under the watchful eyes of supportive colleagues and within an International Medical Graduates (IMG) group, Dr Salman honed his skills. The diverse approaches of his peers became invaluable lessons, each interaction and observation adding a brushstroke to his evolving portrait as a doctor.

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    Re-sitting RCGP Exam

    Dr Salman fought relentlessly for his fifth attempt. Not passing the final attempt would ruin his dream of becoming an independent GP. Being an IMG, he knew the odds were against him but he had hope. Dr Salman approached the exam with newfound confidence.

    After failing his exam four times, Dr Salman passed RCA with a score of 154, well above the pass mark. The elation was indescribable, a wave of relief washing over years of struggle. He had conquered not just the exam, but his self-doubt. He is currently working as a GP in Manchester.

    Need help to pass SCA Exam?

    Are you struggling with your SCA exam and need help, you may be interested in getting personalised support.

    You can find more information on 1:1 Coaching to see what support we offer to IMGs preparing for the SCA.