I passed! It’s been a difficult journey but I thank God for the end result.
Dr Lawrence Apenteng
Dr Lawrence felt completely crushed when he got his first SCA exam results. After a failed attempt with a score of 69, he found it incredibly difficult to bounce back.
The results shook his confidence. Despite the turmoil, he braced himself to re-sit SCA. A month before his exam, Dr Lawrence reached out for help. We had a conversation but time was not in his favour.
Overcoming self-doubts
We embarked on a journey together, one that wasn’t just about practising more cases but about shifting perspectives, starting with his mindset.
It is common for trainees to have a self-defeating mindset after an unsuccessful attempt. We addressed his lack of self-confidence.
Dr Lawrence had a lot of self-doubts. He was concerned about the looming SCA re-sit. However, we devised a clear strategy to optimise his preparation over the next four weeks. Instead of wasting precious time doing cases here and there, we focused on high-yield scenarios.
You can watch Dr Lawrence’s case study to learn about his unique preparation and the proven strategies he used to pass the SCA in his second attempt.
Turning point
He had to unlearn old habits, manage the fear of failure and embrace each consultation as an opportunity to connect and make a difference. It was about listening to understand, not just to respond, and seeing patients as stories waiting to be heard. With guidance and personalised support, Dr Lawrence leveled up his consultation and communication skills.
Slowly, I watched Lawrence transform. The doubt that once clouded his vision began to clear, replaced by a growing confidence. Dr Lawrence could start seeing a ray of light at the end of the tunnel.
In one role-play, Lawrence delivered difficult news to a patient. I could see the struggle in his eyes, the search for the right words. But when he found them, it was like watching a flower bloom in fast-forward.
When the exam day came around again, Dr Lawrence was confident. He strode in with the confidence of someone who had faced his fears and came out stronger on the other side.
When the results came in, he passed with a solid score. It was proof of his journey, of the resilience and strength he had found within himself. Lawrence didn’t just pass an exam but he overcame a hurdle that had once seemed insurmountable.
From SCA Exam failure to a clear pass
I was able to make it from 69 to 87 within a month. You can also make it do not lose hope there’s support and help available.
Dr Lawrence Apenteng

If you are facing setbacks, feeling the sting of failure, please seek help. Sometimes, all it takes is a shift in perspective, a bit of guidance, and the belief that you can overcome.
Don’t let failure define you. Let it teach you, let it strengthen you. Every setback is just a setup for an even greater comeback.
Are ready to get help?
Like Dr Lawrence, you may be feeling unsure about the SCA. The intensive 1 to 1 coaching is ideal if you need personalised support.
Join over 200 trainees who sought help to achieve their goals. Applications for 1 to 1 coaching are considered on an individual basis.