9 Pieces of Advice for GP Training

Are you a GP trainee looking to make the most of your training and excel in your career? Let’s explore practical advice and strategies I would give my younger self. I hope the insights in this article will help you on your journey. Let’s dive in!

Invest in Continuous Learning

Don’t miss out on the chance to invest in your development. Use your study budget wisely to attend conferences and courses that expand your skill set. By keeping up-to-date and continuously learning, you’ll stand out in your career.

Get Involved with Professional Organisations: Consider becoming active in the RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) and European Young Family Doctors Movement. By engaging in these networks, you’ll connect with inspiring leaders and make valuable connections within the GP community.

Embrace Challenges and Collaborate

While setting up “Next Generation GP” in Wales, I faced numerous hurdles, including securing funding. However, this experience taught me the power of teamwork and how to pitch ideas to board members and organisations for financial support. Cultivate relationships and epand my network has enriched my career.

Start Your YouTube Channel

Don’t be afraid to start a YouTube channel to share your knowledge and experiences. Many people are too busy to critique your content, so focus on providing value to your audience. Consistency is key, and your channel will grow over time.

Develop Effective Communication Skills

Enhance your speaking and presentation skills, which will be crucial when presenting for awards or panels. You can improve your comfort with public speaking and networking, even if you’re naturally introverted.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset will empower you to develop in your personal and professional life. Learn, ask questions and speak with more experienced colleagues. Collaborate with specialists when needed, as this holistic approach can be highly effective in patient care.

Prioritise Wellbeing

In busy placements, you may feel overwhelmed. Don’t hesitate to seek help and support early on. Your wellbeing is paramount, and taking care of yourself ensures you can provide the best care to your patients.

Preparing for MRCGP Exams

Take the the MRCGP exams seriously. Plan strategically and use resources at your disposal to give yourself the best chance to pass first time. The curriculum for the Applied Knowledge Test is huge, focus on high-yield topics and apply your knowledge rather than rote memorisation. Utilise active recall and space repetition techniques for effective learning. Don’t get stressed; stay consistent in your preparation.

Embrace the Unexpected

Be prepared for unexpected changes, such as the transition from CSA to RCA. With the right support and patient selection, you can excel in real-life consultation assessments. Don’t prepare on your own, form a study group, seek constructive feedback to identify your blindspots. Trust your preparation and your educational supervisor’s guidance. If you are looking for guidance to sit SCA, you might be interested in our free resources.

Lean into your Passion

As you help other GP trainees pass the RCA, you’ll discover a passion for medical education. Organising courses and mentoring others will become a fulfilling part of your career.

Maximising your GP training involves seizing opportunities, investing in continuous learning, and embracing challenges. By following these strategies and staying committed to your development, you can thrive in your training and build a successful career as a general practitioner.