Every GP trainee knows the pressure that comes with the MRCGP SCA —the ticking clock, mounting stress and the nagging feeling that the consultation is slipping away. You cover the essential points but as the patient walks out, doubt creeps in: Did I manage that consultation well? Did they fully understand? Will they follow through […]
Category: Productivity
SCA Practice: 5 Actionable Tips
Are you gearing up for your Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA)? A study group can transform your SCA practice and increase your chance of success. The Benefits of Study Groups Being part of a study group brings accountability. After a long day in clinic, you might feel too exhausted to revise. However, if you’ve scheduled a […]
When is the Best Time to Sit MRCGP SCA?
Deciding when to sit your MRCGP Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) isn’t just about picking a date on the calendar. It’s about strategically planning to showcase your skills when you’re at your absolute best. Here’s how to decide the perfect timing for your exam, shared through insights from those who’ve successfully passed their exams. 1. Sitting […]
SCA Exam: 5 Tips To Consult in 12 Minutes
Are you struggling to finish your consult in 12 minutes? GP trainees commonly find themselves short of time in SCA Exam. This is particularly more of an issue with high-challenge cases or those involving medical complexity. In this article, you will learn five tips to compress your consultation. Learn to prime a case Priming a […]
5 Benefits of writing
Writing has been life-changing for me. It has helped me to sharpen my mind, learn more about myself and connect with some of you who enjoy my work. Today, I’d like to show you 5 benefits of writing. 1. Boost your happiness Our mind is often focused on negatives. We get caught up by things that […]
5 Benefits of Laughter
When was the last time you had a good laugh? Children seem to smile and laugh spontaneously to express happiness, joy and delight. In adulthood, most of us lose that innate ability to laugh spontaneously like a three-year old. Adults laugh less frequently. We learn to control our emotions and are conditioned to conform with social norms. […]
3 Steps to Achieve Flow
Can you remember a moment when you experienced effortless focus while doing something that you were completely absorbed, that time stood still? Athletes call it being in “The Zone.” Psychologists have studied this mental state which they call flow. Csikszentmihalyi, author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience described “The flow experience has the potential to make life […]
3 Tips To Improve Your Productivity
Have you ever found yourself running late? It happens to all of us. The other day at work, I saw a patient with chest pain and it took me half an hour to arrange hospital admission. Sometimes, we need to spend extra time to manage patient with complex needs. This may well delay the rest […]
4 Steps To Build Good Habits
James Clear, author of Atomic habits describes 4 steps that form every habit: Cue Craving Response Reward Cue is anything that triggers an urge for your habit. The cue tells the brain to go into automatic processing mode, and it takes effort to resist the cue. If you don’t expose yourself to a cue, you […]