Category: Mindset

Better Decisions: 3 Time-Tested Mental Frameworks

We make thousands of decisions every day, yet most of us have not been taught how to make better decision. Doctors make critical decisions daily. The consequences of these decisions impact upon the lives of people. Sometimes, the quality of decision determines outcomes between life and death.  Making decision is a complex process that requires an ability […]

The Benefits of Delayed Gratification

A common trait highly successful people exhibit is their ability to delay gratification. They have a long-term future focus. We all know patience is a virtue. Most of us know in the back of our mind we ought to think long term. We want everything now Yet, we favour choices that bring us instant gratification […]

From Failing AKT to a Pass

When Dr Stephen first came to me, he was desperate having failed MRCGP AKT multiple times. He lost all hope and self-esteem. The previous attempts deflated his confidence. Stephen was granted one last chance to sit the exam. He was nervous as this was his final attempt. It was make-or-break time. We worked together and […]

How to Transform Your Life?

The six logical levels of change proposed by Robert Dilts provide a useful model to understand ways we can achieve change at an individual and organisational level. The six logical levels are: purpose, identity, value/belief, capability, behaviour & environment. Purpose: Why are you alive on this Earth? This question may be hard to answer if […]