Are you a GP trainee looking to make the most of your training and excel in your career? Let’s explore practical advice and strategies I would give my younger self. I hope the insights in this article will help you on your journey. Let’s dive in! Invest in Continuous Learning Don’t miss out on the […]
Category: Career
What can Disney & J.K. Rowling Teach You on Rejection?
Have you ever been rejected? Everyone encounters rejection at some point in life. People don’t reply to your email. People say ‘No’ to you. You didn’t land your dream job. Even the most successful people have to deal with rejections. Walt Disney was fired for lack of creativity In 1919, Walt Disney was fired from […]
Day in a Doctor’s Life
Join me through a typical day in the life of a family doctor. Before we start, none of the patients in this article are real. They are aggregate patients. i.e the patients are made up but representative of real patients. This is how medical journalists, writers, and doctors deal with patient confidentiality when they discuss […]
How To Get The Best Out Of GP Training (Save up to £8000)
GP training is an exciting journey to prepare you become a GP. As a trainee, you will have various expenses from relocation expenses, medical indemnity fee, purchasing medical equipment, GMC registration fee to RCGP membership fee. Let’s not forget the RCGP exam fees. These expenses add up to a few thousands of pounds over the […]
3 Reasons I Chose To Be a Generalist
Before attending medical school, I aspired to become a generalist. At medical school, my view of General Practice changed. Medical school influenced my choice towards specialist pathway. At the time, specialty seemed to be a compelling choice. Specialty is more appealing than General Practice. Generalists are often underappreciated for their work and their vital role […]
From Dream to Reality
A little over a decade ago, I had a dream. It was to become a doctor. I was good at science and was up for a challenge. Back then, I didn’t know whether I could make it or not. Growing up, I didn’t have much confidence talking to people. That dream seemed unreachable to realise. […]
Lifelong Learning
Schooling is an important process that imparts knowledge and develops skills. Most people associate learning with formal education. While education typically ends after one graduates university, learning doesn’t stop after formal education. Learning is not confined to the four walls of a classroom but takes place throughout life in different environments. Lifelong learning in the medical […]
Job Application: Are You Making These Deadly Mistakes?
Applying for a job is a process that requires persistence, creativity, research and hard work. The job market is competitive so you need to differentiate yourself from others to succeed. Writing an excellent application letter is a crucial step to get your foot in the door. Lack of research Not doing enough research is a […]
Why Specialise When You Can Generalise
Everyone aspires to become a specialist. Specialists are highly praised and often seen as superstars. Specialists deserve the recognition for their incredible skills and expertise. Progress in society has created a need for specialists who have an in-depth knowledge and complex skills. In recent decades, we have seen a rise in sub-specialties. Experts in a […]