Category: Career

The secret to a fulfilling career

So many doctors feel stuck working in a job not conducive to their health and wellbeing. Early in my career, I didn’t take good care of my wellbeing due to heavy workload and the enormous pressure. I was so busy to complete my never-ending list of jobs that I skipped meals and breaks. I knew […]

IMG Success Story

How an IMG passed MRCGP Exam after failing 4 times? In the next couple of weeks, my confidence skyrocketed because I could take the history in a reasonable time. Then, I had all the time to do the clinical management. Dr Inamuna Beregha After failing his MRCGP exam four times, Dr Inamuna Beregha hit rock […]

3 Traits of Every Great Leaders

Leadership plays an integral part in the ability to inspire and motivate a group of people to work effectively to achieve a common goal. Great leaders are visionary thinkers who can rally people around a cause to bring about change. In this article, we will look at three traits great leaders have in common. Leadership […]

9 Pieces of Advice for GP Training

Are you a GP trainee looking to make the most of your training and excel in your career? Let’s explore practical advice and strategies I would give my younger self. I hope the insights in this article will help you on your journey. Let’s dive in! Invest in Continuous Learning Don’t miss out on the […]

Day in a Doctor’s Life

Join me through a typical day in the life of a family doctor. Before we start, none of the patients in this article are real. They are aggregate patients. i.e the patients are made up but representative of real patients. This is how medical journalists, writers, and doctors deal with patient confidentiality when they discuss […]

3 Reasons I Chose To Be a Generalist

Before attending medical school, I aspired to become a generalist. At medical school, my view of General Practice changed. Medical school influenced my choice towards specialist pathway. At the time, specialty seemed to be a compelling choice. Specialty is more appealing than General Practice. Generalists are often underappreciated for their work and their vital role […]