Are your consultations running late? Time management is a major challenge in the MRCGP SCA. Tom is a GP Registrar, preparing to take the MRCGP SCA in three months. He is currently on a 20-minute appointment slot. He has started revising for SCA. Tom often finds himself running late. He struggles to fit everything within […]
Author: Dr Erwin Kwun
Want to be happier and more fulfilled in 2022
The end of the year is in sight. December may be the month of Winter Holiday and Christmas but you may want to set aside time for these 3 important steps before you say Goodbye to 2021. Completing these three steps will help you to make a great start for the new year. 1. Reconnect with […]
The Paradox of Impatience
In a world where most people are impatient, patience is a rare virtue. Have you ever found yourself growing impatient Instant Gratification Understanding the art of timing is important. It allows you to work with time and accomplish great things. We live in a fast-paced society where everyone wants to do things faster. Most people […]
3 Traits of Every Great Leaders
Leadership plays an integral part in the ability to inspire and motivate a group of people to work effectively to achieve a common goal. Great leaders are visionary thinkers who can rally people around a cause to bring about change. In this article, we will look at three traits great leaders have in common. Leadership […]
9 Pieces of Advice for GP Training
Are you a GP trainee looking to make the most of your training and excel in your career? Let’s explore practical advice and strategies I would give my younger self. I hope the insights in this article will help you on your journey. Let’s dive in! Invest in Continuous Learning Don’t miss out on the […]
5 Benefits of Laughter
When was the last time you had a good laugh? Children seem to smile and laugh spontaneously to express happiness, joy and delight. In adulthood, most of us lose that innate ability to laugh spontaneously like a three-year old. Adults laugh less frequently. We learn to control our emotions and are conditioned to conform with social norms. […]
Day in a Doctor’s Life
Join me through a typical day in the life of a family doctor. Before we start, none of the patients in this article are real. They are aggregate patients. i.e the patients are made up but representative of real patients. This is how medical journalists, writers, and doctors deal with patient confidentiality when they discuss […]
How To Get The Best Out Of GP Training (Save up to £8000)
GP training is an exciting journey to prepare you become a GP. As a trainee, you will have various expenses from relocation expenses, medical indemnity fee, purchasing medical equipment, GMC registration fee to RCGP membership fee. Let’s not forget the RCGP exam fees. These expenses add up to a few thousands of pounds over the […]
3 Reasons I Chose To Be a Generalist
Before attending medical school, I aspired to become a generalist. At medical school, my view of General Practice changed. Medical school influenced my choice towards specialist pathway. At the time, specialty seemed to be a compelling choice. Specialty is more appealing than General Practice. Generalists are often underappreciated for their work and their vital role […]
What You Need to Know About Kindness
Can you remember how it felt when you experienced an act of kindness? We take notice when kindness is shown to us because it creates a positive impact to our wellbeing. Kindness is not only beneficial to the receiver but the person practicing kindness also reaps some of the benefits. Research has shown it enhances […]