Imagine being so anxious that you need medication to sit SCA exam. Meet Dr Temi, a hard-working GP trainee who faced overwhelming anxiety. I was really optimistic I was going to pass and then I saw the result I’m like okay I think I don’t have it in me so my confidence level was really […]
Author: Dr Erwin Kwun
SCA Exam Practice Guide: The Angry Patient
Imagine confronting an angry simulator for Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA). Without preparation, this could be a daunting station. Mastering conflict resolution skills is crucial to scoring well in SCA exam. This article will provide actionable and insightful strategies to help you navigate difficult interactions effectively. Understanding the Root Cause The first step in managing an angry […]
SCA Practice: 5 Actionable Tips
Are you gearing up for your Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA)? A study group can transform your SCA practice and increase your chance of success. The Benefits of Study Groups Being part of a study group brings accountability. After a long day in clinic, you might feel too exhausted to revise. However, if you’ve scheduled a […]
Negotiation: A Vital Skill for Doctors
Imagine consulting Mr. Smith, who complains of chest pain. You’re concerned about a possible heart attack and recommend he visit the Emergency Department. However, Mr. Smith hesitates because he has guests coming over this evening. This scenario highlights a common challenge in clinical practice: convincing patients to follow urgent medical advice. Without prompt treatment, Mr. […]
How a GP Trainee Passed SCA Exam (4th Attempt)
Are you struggling to pass the SCA exam? Meet Dr Gordon, a GP trainee, who faced a major hurdle on his path to attaining MRCGP. I struggled with the exam format itself. Going into it, I wasn’t sure what would be coming up or how to prepare for it. Gordon’s journey to becoming a fully […]
SCA Journey: From Failure to Success
Imagine pouring your heart and soul into preparing for the Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA), only to encounter a devastating failure. Meet Dr Musttafa, a determined GP trainee who faced a major setback in the early stage of ST3. But with unwavering resilience and sheer determination, he transformed his failure into an inspiring success story. Sitting […]
SCA Tips: Shared-decision making
Success in the MRCGP Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) requires effective communication and a partnership with your patients. The SCA tests your ability to diagnose and manage clinical conditions while engaging in patient-centered care and shared decision-making. In this article, you will learn SCA tips to excel in shared decision-making. What is Patient-Centered Care? Patient-centered care […]
How to Smash SCA after a Failed Attempt
Are you struggling to clear SCA (Simulated Clinical Assessment)? You’re not alone. Many GP trainees work hard for SCA. Yesterday, I spoke with a trainee who dedicated almost a year of his life to preparing for SCA. Dr Akin practised diligently with his colleagues, sacrificing countless evenings and weekends. Imagine the disappointment of investing so […]
MRCGP SCA Tips: Shared Decision Making
As a GP trainee preparing to sit the MRCGP SCA, you might view Shared Decision Making (SDM) as just another checkbox. However, SDM is far more than a procedural requirement—it’s a transformative approach that enhances patient care and outcomes significantly. The Evolution from Paternalistic to Collaborative Care Gone are the days when doctors acted as […]
SCA Practice Guide: Delivering Difficult News
Delivering difficult news in a remote setting presents unique challenges. Effective communication must adapt to the absence of physical presence, emphasising empathy and sensitivity. This guide outlines enhanced strategies for GP trainees preparing for the MRCGP SCA, focusing on the SPIKES protocol and ABCDE method. You will also learn from a mock SCA case demonstration. […]