IMG Smashed SCA Exam Despite PTSD

The Unexpected Challenge

Dr. Gbenga always aced his exams. Academic challenges? He breezed through them. So, when the SCA exam loomed on the horizon, he was sure he’d nail it on his first attempt. However, the SCA turned out to be a whole different beast. Despite burning the midnight oil, he missed passing by just a few points.

The Impact of Failing the SCA Exam

Failing the SCA hit him hard. It turned his World upside down. His confidence crumbled, and he started having flashbacks every time he stepped into his consulting room. It was brutal. But what happened next? That’s where the real story kicks in.

I had to stand up from the ashes of failure, take the bull by the horns

Seeking Expert Guidance

Realising he couldn’t tackle the SCA alone, Dr. Gbenga sought expert guidance and joined the Consultation Blueprint for one-to-one coaching. This enabled him to work smarter by applying proven strategies. The PTSD from his first attempt was real, and walking into the consulting room felt like stepping onto a battlefield. Patients’ faces from his failed attempt haunted him, making it feel like they were jumping right out of the screen.

Changing the Environment: A Key Strategy

Determined to overcome this, Dr. Gbenga changed his environment, working in a different consulting room to break the cycle of anxiety. Through his coaching, he gained fresh insights and perspectives on remote consulting. Knowing how to consult is one thing, but doing it well under stress? That’s a whole different ball game.

The Effect of Constructive Feedback

He received constructive feedback, unlearned old habits, and honed his interpersonal skills, focusing on areas that truly mattered. “Relating to others” had been his Achilles’ heel. He transformed this weakness by honing his consultation skills, ensuring patients felt heard and understood. His weakest link became one of his strongest assets.

The Turning Point: Effective SCA Practice

Instead of a large study group, he surrounded himself with a few highly committed members of the Consultation Blueprint, who were just as hungry for victory. This was a game-changer. By working smarter, managing uncertainty, and focusing on the critical aspects of the exam, Dr. Gbenga’s confidence soared.

Victory: Smashing the SCA Exam

sca exam

The question wasn’t whether I was going to pass. It was how much I was going to score.

Dr Gbenga smashed the SCA with a score of 98.5, achieving clear passes in all three domains of the exam. The lesson? Hard work alone isn’t enough. To truly succeed, you need to work smarter and concentrate on the right things. Dr. Gbenga’s journey is proof of that.

Key Takeaways for SCA Practice

Dr. Gbenga’s journey is a masterclass in resilience and preparation. If you’re in the trenches with the SCA exam, here’s your playbook:

  1. Get the Right Support: Find the best courses and build a study squad.
  2. Embrace Feedback: Seek, digest, and use it to improve.
  3. Optimise Your Strategy: Learn from your mistakes and refine your approach.
  4. Never Give Up: Resilience is your greatest ally.

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